DV 16-5611-1345
FULLBROTHER of Elektra 57 Ace HALFBROTHER of Braulo 31 Ace
Ana’s Boy T.E.Breeding Loft Fullbrother of Billie Jean Final Race 500 km 49 Price gg 1783 ( pig 4247) Algrave Golden Race. FULLBROTHER of Sound of Sky 7 Ace pigeons gg 5427
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DV 16-5611-1345
FULLBROTHER of Elektra 57 Ace HALFBROTHER of Braulo 31 Ace
Ana’s Boy T.E.Breeding Loft Fullbrother of Billie Jean Final Race 500 km 49 Price gg 1783 ( pig 4247) Algrave Golden Race. FULLBROTHER of Sound of Sky 7 Ace pigeons gg 5427
DV 08-02884-340
GOLDEN BOY HALFBROTHER “596” 1 Șt NAȚIONAL LE MANS 11711 p Sold for 5400 eu
Golden Boy Son Mister Europe 2 Ace Pigeon in the RGV 18 Ace pig Germany 05. Absolute WORLD class 1st 9210 p 2 nd 13106 p 2 nd 3542 p 9 - 13137 p
NL 06-1588420
T.E. Breding Loft Koopman/Boekelo. Grandaughter Lorris
Anna Daughter of Anne Full brother Magic Man 1st Național La Mans with 10 min ahead from 15252 pigeons